There are several factors that affect the growth of your catfish. Growth of your fish and profit will depend on how efficiently you manage your farm, the water quality, disease control, and the number of fish you STOCK per ponds size.
Here is a list of factors affecting your fish farm production:
Pond PH Balance
Fish feed quality and right quntity.
Water quality (Dissolved solids)
Catfish grow best in warm water between 83-86o F. You can begin spawning of your fish in the spring when the water temperature rises above 70 o F. You may collect juvenile fish from a nearby hatchery.
Flowing water
Catfish do not grow well in small ponds because of competition for space and oxygen. Catfish tend to grow faster when their is enough space. The bigger the spacing, the bigger and faster they grow.
Pond balance
Maintaining a balance in your pond is important because if you have fish growing in higher density, it could give rise to toxic water and pollution. Your fish will get sick and grow less. You must always maintain a ph of between 6.5 -7.5. Anything far or less is at your own detriment.
Fish feed
For rapid growth, use a nutritionally balanced catfish feed. I recommend skretting fish feed. Your catfish fingerlings will grow faster if you feed them regularly in the beginning of production season, they will grow the right size when you maintain this factors as stated. However, feeding too much will result in poor water quality and it will also increase your feeding costs.
Water quality & fish health
Water plays an important role in raising healthy fish. A water without dissolved harmful solid toxins or poisons is the best for your catfish rearing.
Your water should have a pH between 6.5 - 7.5. If the pH is too low, add limestone to your pond. Also check for dissolved impurities. Both physical and chemical factors play important role in rising catfish faster.
Check for water contamination by using our water tests.
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